As I blogged about before, I’ve implemented the current drafts of CSV on the Web in the rdf-tabular gem. The gem is is available from rdf-tabular repo and is in the public domain (Unlicense) and is freely usable by anyone wishing to get a start on their own implementation. For those wishing to take an incremental approach, this post describes the basic workings of the gem, highlights more advanced cases necessary to pass the Test Suite and attempts to provide some insight into the process of implementing the specifications.

CSVW – in a nutshell

The basic purpose of the CSVW specifications is to do an informed process of CSVs into an annotated data model, and use this model as the basis of creating RDF or JSON. At a minimum, this means assuming that the first row of a CSV is a header row containing titles for cells in that CSV, and that each row constitutes a record with properties based on the column titles with values from each cell. We’ll use the canonical example of the tree-ops example from the Model for Tabular Data

GID,On Street,Species,Trim Cycle,Inventory Date
1,ADDISON AV,Celtis australis,Large Tree Routine Prune,10/18/2010
2,EMERSON ST,Liquidambar styraciflua,Large Tree Routine Prune,6/2/2010

This example has a header row and two data rows. The simple transformation of this to RDF without any external metadata would yield the following (in minimal mode):

@base <> .

  <#GID> "2";
  <#Inventory%20Date> "6/2/2010";
  <#On%20Street> "EMERSON ST";
  <#Species> "Liquidambar styraciflua";
  <#Trim%20Cycle> "Large Tree Routine Prune"
] .

  <#GID> "1";
  <#Inventory%20Date> "10/18/2010";
  <#On%20Street> "ADDISON AV";
  <#Species> "Celtis australis";
  <#Trim%20Cycle> "Large Tree Routine Prune"
] .

This is minimally useful, but we can use this as a walk-through of how the rdf-tabular gem creates this.

The first step is to retrieve the document from It’s URL: We then can look for metadata associated with the file to inform the creation of the annotated table; this information might come from by the user specifying to location of metadata separately, from an HTTP Link header, by looking at for file-specific metadata, or at for directory-specific metadata. In this case, there is none, so we constructed embedded metatata from just the header row. The process for locating metadata is described in Creating Annotated Tables, and creating embedded metadata is described in Parsing Tabular Data. Basically, we’re looking to create a table description with a schema describing each column resulting in the following:

  "@context": "",
  "url": "",
  "tableSchema": {
    "columns": [
      {"titles": "GID"},
      {"titles": "On Street"},
      {"titles": "Species"},
      {"titles": "Trim Cycle"},
      {"titles": "Inventory Date"}

By following the rules in the Metadata Format, we then create annotations on an annotated table (an abstract model, shown in arbitrary JSON):

  "@type": "AnnotatedTableGroup",
  "tables": [
      "@type": "AnnotatedTable",
      "url": "",
      "columns": [
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 1,
          "sourceNumber": 1,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "GID",
          "titles": {"und": ["GID"]}
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 2,
          "sourceNumber": 2,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "On%20Street",
          "titles": {"und": ["On Street"]}
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 3,
          "sourceNumber": 3,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "Species",
          "titles": {"und": ["Species"]}
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 4,
          "sourceNumber": 4,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "Trim%20Cycle",
          "titles": {"und": ["Trim Cycle"]}
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 5,
          "sourceNumber": 5,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "Inventory%20Date",
          "titles": {"und": ["Inventory Date"]}
      "rows": []

Here we gather some metadata based on the row and column numbers (logical and actual, which are the same here) and create a default for the column name from titles. Also, note that titles is expanded to a natural language property, which is basically a JSON-LD Language Map where und is used when there is no language. The column name is percent encoded so that it can be used in a URI template.

Note that the rows and cells values are empty, as we haven’t actually processed any rows from the input yet.

The rdf-tabular gem implements the RDF::Reader pattern, which takes care of much of the process of opening the file and getting useful metadata. In the case of the rdf-tabular gem, this includes the steps described in Creating Annotated Tables which involves recursive invocations of the reader, but nominally, it yields a reader instance which implements the RDF::Enumerable pattern. In particular, the reader implements an #each method to yield each RDF Statement (triple); this is where the work actually happens. A call looks like the following:"") do |reader|
  reader.each do |statement|
    puts statement.inspect

Basically, the job of the reader is to create the abstract tabular data model and use it to read each row of the table(s) described in the model and use that to generate RDF triples (it can also be used to generate JSON output without going the RDF, but that’s another story).

The rdf-tabular gem implements RDF::Tabular::Metadata, with subclasses for the different kinds of metadata we need. This provides the #each_row method, which given an input file yields each row. For the Ruby implementation, we use the CSV library and use dialect information to set parsing defaults. The gist of the implementation looks like the following:

def each_row(input)
  csv =, csv_options)
  # Skip skipRows and headerRowCount
  number, skipped = 0, (dialect.skipRows.to_i + dialect.headerRowCount)
  (1..skipped).each {csv.shift}
  csv.each do |data|
    number += 1
    yield(, self, number, number + skipped))

A Row then abstracts information for each table row and provides the cells for that row:

# Wraps each resulting row
class Row
  attr_reader :values

  # Class for returning values
  Cell =, :column, :row, :stringValue, :value, :errors)

  def initialize(row, metadata, number, source_number)
    @values = []
    skipColumns = metadata.dialect.skipColumns.to_i
    columns = metadata.tableSchema.columns
    row.each_with_index do |value, index|
      next if index < skipColumns
      column = columns[index - skipColumns]
      @values << cell =, column, self, value)

There’s more to this in the actual implementation, of course, but this handles a simple value.

Now we can implement RDF::Tabular::Reader#each_statement:

def each_statement(&block)
  metadata.each_row(input) do |row|
    default_cell_subject =
    row.values.each_with_index do |cell, index|
      propertyUrl = RDF::URI("#{metadata.url}##{}")
      yield RDF::Statement(default_cell_subject, propertyUrl, cell.value)

That’s pretty much the basis of a Ruby implementation. There’s more work to do in #each_statement, as It’s initially invoked with a TableGroup, which recursively invokes it again for each Table, which then calls again for the actual CSV, but that’s all setup. There’s also work in RDF::Tabular::Reader#initialize to find the metadata, ensure that it is compatible with the actual tables, and so forth.

Fleshing out with more details

So, this implements a basic reader interface from a CSV using the abstract tabular data model, but the output’s not too interesting. What if we want to make the data richer:

  • Give unique identifiers (subjects) to the cells in a row
  • Use subjects for different cells
  • Define property URIs for each cell
  • Assign and match cell string values to datatypes
  • Parse microformats within a given cell

For that we need to define a Metadata file.

Defining Metadata

A Metadata file is a JSON-LD document (really, it has the structure of a JSON-LD document, it is parsed as JSON) which allows us to define properties on metadata declarations which directly relate to the abstract tabular data model. For example, let’s look at the metadata description for the tree-ops example: tree-ops.csv-metadata.json:

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "url": "tree-ops.csv",
  "dc:title": "Tree Operations",
  "dcat:keyword": ["tree", "street", "maintenance"],
  "dc:publisher": {
    "schema:name": "Example Municipality",
    "schema:url": {"@id": ""}
  "dc:license": {"@id": ""},
  "dc:modified": {"@value": "2010-12-31", "@type": "xsd:date"},
  "tableSchema": {
    "columns": [{
      "name": "GID",
      "titles": ["GID", "Generic Identifier"],
      "dc:description": "An identifier for the operation on a tree.",
      "datatype": "string",
      "required": true
    }, {
      "name": "on_street",
      "titles": "On Street",
      "dc:description": "The street that the tree is on.",
      "datatype": "string"
    }, {
      "name": "species",
      "titles": "Species",
      "dc:description": "The species of the tree.",
      "datatype": "string"
    }, {
      "name": "trim_cycle",
      "titles": "Trim Cycle",
      "dc:description": "The operation performed on the tree.",
      "datatype": "string"
    }, {
      "name": "inventory_date",
      "titles": "Inventory Date",
      "dc:description": "The date of the operation that was performed.",
      "datatype": {"base": "date", "format": "M/d/yyyy"}
    "primaryKey": "GID",
    "aboutUrl": "#gid-{GID}"

Here we have a couple of different things going on. Note the following:

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "url": "tree-ops.csv",
  "dc:title": "Tree Operations",
  "dcat:keyword": ["tree", "street", "maintenance"],
  "dc:publisher": {
    "schema:name": "Example Municipality",
    "schema:url": {"@id": ""}
  "dc:license": {"@id": ""},
  "dc:modified": {"@value": "2010-12-31", "@type": "xsd:date"},

The prefixed name properties are common properties, basically just JSON-LD that’s inserted into the model to define annotations on the model. In this case, their defined on a Table, so they annotate that model. As it is JSON-LD, the string values take the @langauge defined in the context. CSVW uses a dialect of JSON-LD which places some restrictions on what can go here. Basically, nothing more can go into the @context besides @language and @base; it also must use and only the terms and prefixes defined within that context can be used along with absolute IRIs.

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "url": "tree-ops.csv",
  "tableSchema": {
    "columns": [{
      "name": "GID",
      "titles": ["GID", "Generic Identifier"],
      "dc:description": "An identifier for the operation on a tree.",
      "datatype": "string",
      "required": true
    }, {
      "name": "on_street",
      "titles": "On Street",
      "dc:description": "The street that the tree is on.",
      "datatype": "string"
    }, {
      "name": "species",
      "titles": "Species",
      "dc:description": "The species of the tree.",
      "datatype": "string"
    }, {
      "name": "trim_cycle",
      "titles": "Trim Cycle",
      "dc:description": "The operation performed on the tree.",
      "datatype": "string"
    }, {
      "name": "inventory_date",
      "titles": "Inventory Date",
      "dc:description": "The date of the operation that was performed.",
      "datatype": {"base": "date", "format": "M/d/yyyy"}
    "primaryKey": "GID",
    "aboutUrl": "#gid-{GID}"

The tableSchema property tells us that this is a Table description; we could also have added a "@type": "Table" property to make this explicit, but It’s not necessary. Metadata always starts with either a Table description or a TableGroup description.

We define an explicit name property for the first column. If we didn’t, it would take the first value from titles. The column has a common property, which is presently not used in the transformation, but exists in the annotated tabular data model. It also declares the data type to be string, which is a synonym for xsd:string, and a value is required, meaning that it is considered an error if a cell value has an empty string (or one matching that defined using the null annotation). Note that datatype is an inherited property, meaning that it could have been defined on the Table, Schema or Column and would be in scope for all cells based on the inheritance model.

The last column uses a complex datatype: It is based on xsd:date and uses a format string to match string values and map them onto the datatype. This allows a date of the form 4/17/2015 to be interpreted as "2015-04-17"^^xsd:date by using date field symbols as defined in UAX35.

All of these map pretty much as you would expect onto the annotated tabular data model:

  "@type": "AnnotatedTableGroup",
  "tables": [
      "@type": "AnnotatedTable",
      "url": "",
      "dc:title": {"@value": "Tree Operations","@language": "en"},
      "dcat:keyword": [
        {"@value": "tree","@language": "en"},
        {"@value": "street","@language": "en"},
        {"@value": "maintenance","@language": "en"}
      "dc:publisher": {
        "schema:name": {"@value": "Example Municipality","@language": "en"},
        "schema:url": {"@id": ""}
      "dc:license": {"@id": ""},
      "dc:modified": {"@value": "2010-12-31","@type": "xsd:date"},
      "columns": [
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 1,
          "sourceNumber": 1,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "GID",
          "titles": {"en": ["GID", "Generic Identifier"]},
          "dc:description": {"@value": "An identifier for the operation on a tree.", "@language": "en"},
          "datatype": {"base": "string"},
          "required": true
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 2,
          "sourceNumber": 2,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "on_street",
          "titles": {"en": ["On Street"]},
          "dc:description": {"@value": "The street that the tree is on.","@language": "en"},
          "datatype": {"base": "string"}
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 3,
          "sourceNumber": 3,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "species",
          "titles": {"en": ["Species"]},
          "dc:description": {"@value": "The species of the tree.","@language": "en"},
          "datatype": {"base": "string"}
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 4,
          "sourceNumber": 4,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "trim_cycle",
          "titles": {"en": ["Trim Cycle"]},
          "dc:description": {"@value": "The operation performed on the tree.","@language": "en"},
          "datatype": {"base": "string"}
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Column",
          "number": 5,
          "sourceNumber": 5,
          "cells": [],
          "name": "inventory_date",
          "titles": {"en": ["Inventory Date"]},
          "dc:description": {"@value": "The date of the operation that was performed.","@language": "en"},
          "datatype": {"base": "date", "format": "M/d/yyyy"}
      "rows": []

Note that the common properties have been expanded and the @context simplified to remove @language. Also datatype values have been normalized to the expanded form. This happens through the process of Normalization.


Normalization places metadata into a consistent format where compact values are expanded, values which may be an Array are made into an Array, link properties have their URL expanded based on the base of the metadata and object properties which are in the form of a URL string are opened and replaced with the content of the resource they reference.

Ensuring Metadata Compatibility (was Merging Metadata)

The Locating Metadata describes the various places metadata files may be found. Creating Annotated Tables defines the process of creating the final metadata when starting with either a Metadata File or a CSV. This calls for ensuring Metadata Compatibility. Given metadata, this can be used to find one or more tabular data files. These files are considered compatible with the metadata, if they are referenced from the metadata (i.e., there is a Table Description referencing that particular tabular data file), and the columns in the Table Description Schema, match the columns in the tabular data file by comparing titles or names from the column metadata with the title of the tabular data file column, if it has one. This is necessary to ensure that the CSV file matches the schema described in metadata.

URI Templates

In the tree-ops-virtual.json example, URI template properties were defined:

  "url": "tree-ops.csv",
  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "tableSchema": {
    "columns": [{
      "name": "GID",
      "titles": "GID",
      "datatype": "string",
      "propertyUrl": "schema:url",
      "valueUrl": "#gid-{GID}"
    }, {
      "name": "on_street",
      "titles": "On Street",
      "datatype": "string",
      "aboutUrl": "#location-{GID}",
      "propertyUrl": "schema:streetAddress"
    }, {
      "name": "species",
      "titles": "Species",
      "datatype": "string",
      "propertyUrl": "schema:name"
    }, {
      "name": "trim_cycle",
      "titles": "Trim Cycle",
      "datatype": "string"
    }, {
      "name": "inventory_date",
      "titles": "Inventory Date",
      "datatype": {"base": "date", "format": "M/d/yyyy"},
      "aboutUrl": "#event-{inventory_date}",
      "propertyUrl": "schema:startDate"
    }, {
      "propertyUrl": "schema:event",
      "valueUrl": "#event-{inventory_date}",
      "virtual": true
    }, {
      "propertyUrl": "schema:location",
      "valueUrl": "#location-{GID}",
      "virtual": true
    }, {
      "aboutUrl": "#location-{GID}",
      "propertyUrl": "rdf:type",
      "valueUrl": "schema:PostalAddress",
      "virtual": true
    "aboutUrl": "#gid-{GID}"

This introduces several new concepts:

  • The Schema has an aboutUrl property: “#gid-{GID}”. This is a URI Template, where GID acts as a variable, taking the cell value of the cell in the GID column to construct a URI. In this case it constructs values such as <>. This is because the Table url is tree-ops.csv, which is a URL relative to the location of the metadata file. In the first row, the value of the GID column is 1, so that is substituted to create “#gid-1”, then resolved against url. This aboutUrl then defines the default subject for all cells within that row.

The first column has “propertyUrl”: “schema:url”, which turns into the absolute URL, and is used as the predicate for that cell. As the column as a valueUrl (“valueUrl”: “#gid-{GID}”), that is expanded and used as the object for that cell. Thus, the first cell of the first row would result in the following triple:

<#gid-1> schema:url <#gid-1> .

(relative to the URL file location).

The second column has It’s own aboutUrl (“aboutUrl”: “#location-{GID}”), meaning that the subject for triples for this column are different than the default subject.

The last three columns are virtual columns, as they don’t correspond to data actually in the CSV; these are used for injecting information into the row. When fully processed, the following RDF is created (again, in minimal mode):

@base <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<#event-2010-06-02> schema:startDate "2010-06-02"^^xsd:date .

<#event-2010-10-18> schema:startDate "2010-10-18"^^xsd:date .

<#gid-1> schema:event <#event-2010-10-18>;
   schema:location <#location-1>;
   schema:name "Celtis australis";
   schema:url <#gid-1>;
   <#trim_cycle> "Large Tree Routine Prune" .

<#gid-2> schema:event <#event-2010-06-02>;
   schema:location <#location-2>;
   schema:name "Liquidambar styraciflua";
   schema:url <#gid-2>;
   <#trim_cycle> "Large Tree Routine Prune" .

<#location-1> a schema:PostalAddress;
   schema:streetAddress "ADDISON AV" .

<#location-2> a schema:PostalAddress;
   schema:streetAddress "EMERSON ST" .

Processing this requires some enhancement to RDF::Tabular::Row#initialize method:

# Wraps each resulting row
class Row
  attr_reader :values

  # Class for returning values
  Cell =, :column, :row, :stringValue, :aboutUrl, :propertyUrl, :valueUrl, :value, :errors) do

    def set_urls(mapped_values)
      %w(aboutUrl propertyUrl valueUrl).each do |prop|
        # If the cell value is nil, and it is not a virtual column
        next if prop == "valueUrl" && value.nil? && !column.virtual
        if v = column.send(prop.to_sym)
          t =
          mapped = t.expand(mapped_values).to_s
          url = row.context.expand_iri(mapped, documentRelative: true)
          self.send("#{prop}=".to_sym, url)


  def initialize(row, metadata, number, source_number)
    @values = []
    skipColumns = metadata.dialect.skipColumns.to_i
    columns = metadata.tableSchema.columns
    row.each_with_index do |value, index|
      next if index < skipColumns
      column = columns[index - skipColumns]
      @values << cell =, column, self, value)

      datatype = column.datatype || "string", parent: column)
      cell_value = value_matching_datatype(value.dup, datatype, expanded_dt, column.lang)
      map_values[columns[index - skipColumns].name] =  cell_value.to_s


    # Map URLs for row

This introduces datatype matching through #value_matching_datatype (not detailed), creates a map_values structure that can be used for URI template processing, and then calls Cell#set_urls to actually create aboutUrl, propertyUrl, and valueUrl annotations on the cell.

The #each_statement method is updated to take these into consideration:

def each_statement(&block)
  metadata.each_row(input) do |row|
    default_cell_subject =
    row.values.each_with_index do |cell, index|
      cell_subject = cell.aboutUrl || default_cell_subject
      propertyUrl = cell.propertyUrl || RDF::URI("#{metadata.url}##{}")
        yield RDF::Statement(cell_subject, propertyUrl, cell.column.valueUrl || cell.value)

Here the only difference is that we use cell.aboutUrl, cell.propertyUrl, and cell.valueUrl if they are defined, and the defaults otherwise.

Multiple Values

Microsyntaxes are common in CSVs, and there are many different kind. A microsyntax is some convention for formatting information within a cell. CSVW supports delimited values within a cell, so that a list of elements can be provided, allowing a single cell to contain multiple values.

For example the tree-ops-ext.csv example allows for multiple comments on a record using “;” as a separator:

GID,On Street,Species,Trim Cycle,Diameter at Breast Ht,Inventory Date,Comments,Protected,KML
1,ADDISON AV,Celtis australis,Large Tree Routine Prune,11,10/18/2010,,,"<Point><coordinates>-122.156485,37.440963</coordinates></Point>"
2,EMERSON ST,Liquidambar styraciflua,Large Tree Routine Prune,11,6/2/2010,,,"<Point><coordinates>-122.156749,37.440958</coordinates></Point>"
6,ADDISON AV,Robinia pseudoacacia,Large Tree Routine Prune,29,6/1/2010,cavity or decay; trunk decay; codominant leaders; included bark; large leader or limb decay; previous failure root damage; root decay;  beware of BEES,YES,"<Point><coordinates>-122.156299,37.441151</coordinates></Point>"

The metadata file adds the separator property to the comments column:

  "tableSchema": {
    "columns": [
        "name": "comments",
        "titles": "Comments",
        "dc:description": "Supplementary comments relating to the operation or tree.",
        "datatype": "string",
        "separator": ";"

The effect of separator is to split the string value into multiple values and parse them using any datatype description. This is shown using slight modifications to RDF::Tabular::Row#initialize and RDF::Tabular::Reader#each_statement:

# Wraps each resulting row
class Row
  attr_reader :values
  def initialize(row, metadata, number, source_number)
    @values = []
    skipColumns = metadata.dialect.skipColumns.to_i
    columns = metadata.tableSchema.columns
    row.each_with_index do |value, index|
      next if index < skipColumns
      column = columns[index - skipColumns]
      @values << cell =, column, self, value)
      datatype = column.datatype || "string", parent: column)

      cell_values = column.separator ? value.split(column.separator) : [value]

      cell_values = do |v|
        value_matching_datatype(v.dup, datatype, expanded_dt, column.lang)

      cell.value = (column.separator ? cell_values : cell_values.first)

      map_values[columns[index - skipColumns].name] =  (column.separator ? : cell_values.first.to_s)

    # Map URLs for row
    @values.each_with_index do |cell, index|
      mapped_values = map_values.merge(
        "_name" => URI.decode(,
        "_column" => cell.column.number,
        "_sourceColumn" => cell.column.sourceNumber


The only change to #each_statement is to consider multiple cell values:

def each_statement(&block)
  metadata.each_row(input) do |row|
    default_cell_subject =
    row.values.each_with_index do |cell, index|
      cell_subject = cell.aboutUrl || default_cell_subject
      propertyUrl = cell.propertyUrl || RDF::URI("#{metadata.url}##{}")

      if cell.column.valueUrl
        yield RDF::Statement(cell_subject, propertyUrl, cell.column.valueUrl)
        Array(cell.value).each do |v|
          yield RDF::Statement(cell_subject, propertyUrl, v)


Common Properties and Notes

Common Properties and Notes are simply embedded JSON-LD within the metadata file (although limited) to a specific dialect to simplify implementations. In Ruby, of course, we have available a full json-ld gem, so turning this into RDF shouldn’t present any problems.


This article has shown the basis for implementing the CSV on the Web specifications, and hopefully will aid in more implementations.

Update 2014-05-14

This post has been updated to reflect the fact the metadata merging has been removed from CSVW, simplifying an implementation even further.