Bonaire May 2007

Pictures from dive trip to Bonaire in May 2007.

Observers in Rails 1.2

Thanks to Rick Olson for providing assistance with the proper syntax for instantiating observers in Rails 1.2. The old way was to add an observer statement to the appropriate controller, such as:

Eager Finder SQL

EagerFinderSql allows custom SQL to be specified when doing eager loading of associations through the :include option to find. This allows for purpose-constructed queries to be used and still result in a fully linked object model.

Project Communication

Many software projects fail to deliver on-time and on-budget and a factor in that is normally inefficient project communication. Studies have shown that software teams that consistently deliver on-time and on-budget communicate in an effective manner. These teams stay in contact constantly, but wisely use each other’s time during the communication process and are careful not to waste other people’s time. Below are some tips for enhancing project communication when working in software development projects:

Web Design Goals

Working with legacy software systems provides its own considerations, but there are some general goals that can be stated for web-based software applications. To the degree that the nature of system upgrades substantially touches these areas of system design, it is important to consider the following goals within the system design. Well designed applications should meet the following goals in order to provide lasting value: