I’m happy to announce the 1.0 release of RDF.rb and related Ruby gems. This release has been a long time coming, and the library has actually been quite stable for some time.
For the last several months, I’ve been engaged in an interesting project with Wikia. Wikia hosts hundreds of thousands of special-interest wikis for things as varied as pokemon, best cellphone rate comparisons, TV shows and Video Games.
Just back from a great trip to Santa Cruz Island over Memorial day. Did some teaching, and had just about two dives to do some Underwater Macro Photography. I recently purchased a Canon 100 mm USM, which I got to check out. Water was pretty murky, but being able to get just inches away from the subjects does wonders. While shooting one of the Nudi’s a Harbor Seal started tugging on my fins, and came right around in front; that’s when I wished I had had a wide angle lens too. Check out the photo gallery.
This article is the second in a three-part series on implementing the RDFa Test Suite. The first article discussed the use of Sinatra, Backbone.js and Bootstrap.js in creating the test harness. In this article, we focus on JSON-LD, a Linked Data technology that complements RDFa is creating modern Web applications.