Implementing the RDFa Test Suite as a modern Web application using Sinatra, Backbone.js and Bootstrap.js.
I added some minor updates to RDF.rb and re-issued versions 0.3.5 for the rdf and linkeddata gems. These updates are mostly to better support HTTP content negotaion and to find appropriate readers and writers based on file extension, mime-type, and content sniffing. There are also some minor fixes to aid jRuby and Ruby 1.9.3 support.
Just got back from my second trip to Palau, a wonderful place to dive. You can check out the photo album.
This evening, I gave a talk on using Ruby RDF.rb and assorted gems at the Lotico San Francisco Semantic Meetup. I’ve uploaded slides to Slide Share.
I just returned from a week on the Rocio del Mar diving the northern Sea of Cortez (aka the Gulf of California). We dove along the Midriff Islands and had great encounters with Sperm Whales and Whale Sharks, not to mention the often over-exhuberant Sea Lions. Check out the photos.