Microdata parser for RDF.rb

I’ve just release version 0.1.0 of the RDF::Microdata gem (rubygems, github) for the RDF.rb suite. This version contains only a reader (parser). Writing is not supported at this point.

Things people get wrong in RDFa markup

Things people get wrong in RDFa markup

Point Lobos June 2011

Two great dives at Point Lobos with the Pinnacles crew. First dives with my new Canon T2i/Aquatica set up. Pictures here.

Western Road Trip

Pictures from my drive out from Florida to California moving Brother-Inlaw Jeff Katz and Bear. Pictures really start in Western Texas, with dramatic images of trains and mesas in New Mexico and Arizona, the Hover Dam, Wind Farms in California and the Mojave Airport/Spaceport.

CME and the Semantic Web

CME and the Semantic Web