For those intrepid enough, I’ve pushed version 0.0.2 of sparql-algebra. It relies on unreleased changes to RDF.rb and sxp-ruby, so you need to use bundler with the included Gemfile.
The Nokogiri-based reader suite for the RDF.rb environment. This version offers substantial performance gains, due to general improvements in RDF.rb as well as a number of improvements in the readers:
I’ve updated both RdfContext and RDF::RDFa gems to support the latest RDFa Core 1.1 Editor’s Draft (2010-08-03) semantics. This includes support for the following:
New photos from my recent dive trip to the Channel Islands.
I just released version 0.5.4 of RdfContext to GitHub and GemCutter. This version is notable for including support for RDFa 1.1 parsing. This is still based on an Working Draft, so it will likely change in the future.