W3C First Public Working Draft
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This document defines an XML syntax for RDF called RDF/XML in terms of Namespaces in XML, the XML Information Set and XML Base.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at https://www.w3.org/TR/.
This document is a part of the RDF 1.2 document suite. The document defines the RDF/XML syntax, a concrete syntax for RDF [RDF12-CONCEPTS].
There have been no substantive changes to this document since [rdf-syntax-grammar]. Minor editorial changes, if any, are detailed in B. Changes between RDF 1.1 and RDF 1.2.
This document was published by the RDF-star Working Group as a First Public Working Draft using the Recommendation track.
Publication as a First Public Working Draft does not imply endorsement by W3C and its Members.
This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
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This document is governed by the 2 November 2021 W3C Process Document.
This document defines the XML [XML10] syntax for RDF graphs.
This document revises the original RDF/XML grammar [RDF-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR-19990222] in terms of XML Information Set [XML-INFOSET] information items which moves away from the rather low-level details of XML, such as particular forms of empty elements. This allows the grammar to be more precisely recorded and the mapping from the XML syntax to the RDF Graph more clearly shown. The mapping to the RDF graph is done by emitting statements in the N-Triples [RDF12-N-TRIPLES] format.
For a longer introduction to the RDF/XML syntax with a historical perspective, see "RDF: Understanding the Striped RDF/XML Syntax" [STRIPEDRDF].
This section introduces the RDF/XML syntax, describes how it encodes RDF graphs and explains this with examples. If there is any conflict between this informal description and the formal description of the syntax and grammar in sections 5. Syntax Data Model and 6. RDF/XML Grammar, the latter two sections take precedence.
The RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax document [RDF12-CONCEPTS] defines the RDF Graph data model and the RDF Graph abstract syntax. Along with the RDF Semantics [RDF12-SEMANTICS] this provides an abstract syntax with a formal semantics for it. The RDF graph has nodes and labeled directed arcs that link pairs of nodes and this is represented as a set of RDF triples where each triple contains a subject node, predicate and object node. Nodes are IRIs, literals, or blank nodes. Blank nodes may be given a document-local identifier called a blank node identifier. Predicates are IRIs and can be interpreted as either a relationship between the two nodes or as defining an attribute value (object node) for some subject node.
In order to encode the graph in XML, the nodes and predicates have to be represented in XML terms — element names, attribute names, element contents and attribute values. RDF/XML uses XML QNames as defined in Namespaces in XML [XML-NAMES] to represent IRIs. All QNames have a namespace name which is an IRI and a short local name. In addition, QNames can either have a short prefix or be declared with the default namespace declaration and have none (but still have a namespace name)
The IRI represented by a QName is determined by appending the local name part of the QName after the namespace name (IRI) part of the QName. This is used to shorten the IRI of all predicates and some nodes. IRIs identifying subject and object nodes can also be stored as XML attribute values. RDF literals which can only be object nodes, become either XML element text content or XML attribute values.
A graph can be considered a collection of paths of the form node, predicate arc, node, predicate arc, node, predicate arc, ... node which cover the entire graph. In RDF/XML these turn into sequences of elements inside elements which alternate between elements for nodes and predicate arcs. This has been called a series of node/arc stripes. The node at the start of the sequence turns into the outermost element, the next predicate arc turns into a child element, and so on. The stripes generally start at the top of an RDF/XML document and always begin with nodes.
Several RDF/XML examples are given in the following sections building up to complete RDF/XML documents. Example 7 is the first complete RDF/XML document.
An RDF graph is given in Figure 1 where the nodes are represented as ovals and contain their IRIs where they have them, all the predicate arcs are labeled with IRIs and string literals nodes have been written in rectangles.
If we follow one node, predicate arc ... , node path through the graph shown in Figure 2:
to <http://purl.org/net/dajobe>
Elements along the path are marked in bold text.
The left hand side of the Figure 2 graph corresponds to the node/predicate arc stripes:
In RDF/XML, the sequence of 5 nodes and predicate arcs on
the left hand side of Figure 2 corresponds to
the usage of five XML elements of two types, for the graph nodes and
predicate arcs. These are conventionally called node elements and
property elements respectively. In the striping shown in
Example 1, rdf:Description
is the
node element (used three times for the three nodes) and
and ex:homePage
are the two
property elements.
The Figure 2 graph consists of some nodes
that are IRIs (and others that are not) and this can be added
to the RDF/XML using the rdf:about
attribute on node
elements to give the result in Example 2:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://purl.org/net/dajobe/">
Adding the other two paths through the Figure 1
graph to the RDF/XML in
Example 2
gives the result in Example 3
(this example fails to show that the blank node is
shared between the two paths,
see 2.10 Identifying Blank Nodes: rdf:nodeID
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://purl.org/net/dajobe/">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar">
<ex:fullName>Dave Beckett</ex:fullName>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar">
<dc:title>RDF 1.2 XML Syntax</dc:title>
There are several abbreviations that can be used to make common uses easier to write down. In particular, it is common that a subject node in the RDF graph has multiple outgoing predicate arcs. RDF/XML provides an abbreviation for the corresponding syntax when a node element about a resource has multiple property elements. This can be abbreviated by using multiple child property elements inside the node element describing the subject node.
Taking Example 3, there are
two node elements that can take multiple property elements.
The subject node with IRI
has property elements ex:editor
and ex:title
and the node element for the blank node can take ex:homePage
and ex:fullName
. This abbreviation
gives the result shown in Example 4
(this example does show that there is a single blank node):
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://purl.org/net/dajobe/">
<ex:fullName>Dave Beckett</ex:fullName>
<dc:title>RDF 1.2 XML Syntax</dc:title>
When a predicate arc in an RDF graph points to an object node which has no
further predicate arcs, which appears in RDF/XML as an empty node element
<rdf:Description rdf:about="...">
(or <rdf:Description rdf:about="..." />
this form can be shortened. This is done by using the
IRI of the object node as the value of an XML attribute rdf:resource
on the containing property element and making the property element empty.
In this example, the property element ex:homePage
contains an empty node element with the IRI
. This can be replaced with
the empty property element form giving the result shown in
Example 5:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar">
<ex:homePage rdf:resource="http://purl.org/net/dajobe/"/>
<ex:fullName>Dave Beckett</ex:fullName>
<dc:title>RDF 1.2 XML Syntax</dc:title>
When a property element's content is string literal,
it may be possible to use it as an XML attribute on the
containing node element.
This can be done for multiple properties on the same node element
only if the property element name is not repeated
(required by XML — attribute names are unique on an XML element)
and any in-scope xml:lang
on the
property element's string literal (if any) are the same
(see 2.7 Languages: xml:lang
This abbreviation is known as a Property Attribute
and can be applied to any node element.
This abbreviation can also be used when the property element is
and it has an rdf:resource
the value of which is interpreted as a
IRI object node.
In Example 5:,
there are two property elements with string literal content,
the dc:title
and ex:fullName
property elements. These can be replaced with property attributes
giving the result shown in Example 6:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar"
dc:title="RDF 1.2 XML Syntax">
<rdf:Description ex:fullName="Dave Beckett">
<ex:homePage rdf:resource="http://purl.org/net/dajobe/"/>
To create a complete RDF/XML document, the serialization of the
graph into XML is usually contained inside an rdf:RDF
XML element which becomes the top-level XML document element.
Conventionally the rdf:RDF
element is also used to
declare the XML namespaces that are used, although that is not
required. When there is only one top-level node element inside
, the rdf:RDF
can be omitted
although any XML namespaces must still be declared.
The XML specification also permits an XML declaration at the top of the document with the XML version and possibly the XML content encoding. This is optional but recommended.
Completing the RDF/XML could be done for any of the correct complete graph examples from Example 4 onwards but taking the smallest Example 6 and adding the final components, gives a complete RDF/XML representation of the original Figure 1 graph in Example 7:
It is possible to omit rdf:RDF
Example 7 above since there is only one
inside rdf:RDF
but this
is not shown here.
RDF/XML permits the use of the xml:lang
attribute as defined by
2.12 Language Identification
of XML 1.0 [XML10]
to allow the identification of content language.
The xml:lang
attribute can be used on any node element or property element
to indicate that the included content is in the given language.
Typed literals
which includes XML literals
are not affected by this attribute.
The most specific in-scope language present
(if any) is applied to property element string literal content or
property attribute values. The xml:lang=""
indicates the absence of a language identifier.
Some examples of marking content languages for RDF properties are shown in Example 8:
This section is non-normative.
RDF allows XML literals [RDF12-CONCEPTS]
to be given as the object node of a predicate.
These are written in RDF/XML as content of a property element (not
a property attribute) and indicated using the
attribute on the containing
property element.
An example of writing an XML literal is given in
Example 9 where
there is a single RDF triple with the subject node
, the predicate
) and the object node with XML literal
content beginning a:Box
RDF allows typed literals
to be given as the object node of a predicate. Typed literals consist of a literal
string and a datatype
IRI. These are written in RDF/XML using
the same syntax for literal string nodes in the property element form
(not property attribute) but with an additional
attribute on the property element. Any
IRI can be used in the attribute.
An example of an RDF typed
is given in Example 10 where
there is a single RDF triple with the subject node
, the predicate
) and the object node with the
typed literal
("123", http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int
to be interpreted as an
XML Schema [XMLSCHEMA-2] datatype int
Blank nodes in the RDF graph are distinct but have no
IRI identifier.
It is sometimes required that the same graph blank node is referred to in the
RDF/XML in multiple places, such as at the subject and object
of several RDF triples. In this case, a blank node identifier
can be given to the blank node for identifying it
in the document. Blank node identifiers in RDF/XML are scoped to the
containing XML Information Set
document information item.
A blank node identifier is used
on a node element to replace
or on a property element to replace
with rdf:nodeID="
blank node identifier"
in both cases.
Taking Example 7 and explicitly giving
a blank node identifier of abc
to the blank node in it
gives the result shown in Example 11.
The second rdf:Description
property element is
about the blank node.
Blank nodes (not IRI nodes) in RDF graphs can be written
in a form that allows the
pair to be omitted.
The omission is done by putting an
attribute on the containing property element
that turns the property element into a property-and-node element,
which can itself have both property elements and property attributes.
Property attributes and the rdf:nodeID
are not permitted on property-and-node elements.
Taking the earlier Example 7,
the contents of the ex:editor
property element
could be alternatively done in this fashion to give
the form shown in Example 12:
If all of the property elements on a blank node element have
string literal values with the same in-scope xml:lang
value (if present) and each of these property elements appears at
most once and there is at most one rdf:type
element with a IRI object node, these can be abbreviated by
moving them to be property attributes on the containing property
element which is made an empty element.
Taking the earlier Example 5,
the ex:editor
property element contains a
blank node element with two property elements
and ex:homePage
is not suitable here since it
does not have a string literal value, so it is being
ignored for the purposes of this example.
The abbreviated form removes the ex:fullName
property element
and adds a new property attribute ex:fullName
with the
string literal value of the deleted property element
to the ex:editor
property element.
The blank node element becomes implicit in the now empty
property element. The result is shown in
Example 13.
It is common for RDF graphs to have rdf:type
from subject nodes. These are conventionally called typed
nodes in the graph, or typed node elements in the
RDF/XML. RDF/XML allows this triple to be expressed more concisely.
by replacing the rdf:Description
node element name with
the namespaced-element corresponding to the
IRI of the value of
the type relationship. There may, of course, be multiple rdf:type
predicates but only one can be used in this way, the others must remain as
property elements or property attributes.
The typed node elements are commonly used in RDF/XML with the built-in
classes in the RDF vocabulary:
, rdf:Bag
, rdf:Alt
, rdf:Property
For example, the RDF/XML in Example 14 could be written as shown in Example 15.
RDF/XML allows further abbreviating IRIs in XML attributes in two
ways. The XML Infoset provides a base URI attribute xml:base
that sets the base URI for resolving relative IRIs, otherwise
the base URI is that of the document. The base URI applies to
all RDF/XML attributes that deal with IRIs which are rdf:about
, rdf:ID
and rdf:datatype
The rdf:ID
attribute on a node element (not property
element, that has another meaning) can be used instead of
and gives a relative IRI equivalent to #
concatenated with the rdf:ID
attribute value. So for
example if rdf:ID="name"
, that would be equivalent
to rdf:about="#name"
. rdf:ID
provides an additional
check since the same name can only appear once in the
scope of an xml:base
value (or document, if none is given),
so is useful for defining a set of distinct,
related terms relative to the same IRI.
Both forms require a base URI to be known, either from an in-scope
or from the URI of the RDF/XML document.
Example 16 shows abbreviating the node
IRI of http://example.org/here/#snack
using an
of http://example.org/here/
an rdf:ID
on the rdf:Description
node element.
The object node of the ex:prop
predicate is an
absolute IRI
resolved from the rdf:resource
XML attribute value
using the in-scope base URI to give the
IRI http://example.org/here/fruit/apple
RDF has a set of container membership properties
and corresponding property elements that are mostly used with
instances of the
, rdf:Bag
and rdf:Alt
classes which may be written as typed node elements. The list properties are
, rdf:_2
etc. and can be written
as property elements or property attributes as shown in
Example 17. There is an rdf:li
special property element that is equivalent to
, rdf:_2
in order,
explained in detail in 6.4 List Expansion Rules.
The mapping to the container membership properties is
always done in the order that the rdf:li
property elements appear in XML — the document order is significant.
The equivalent RDF/XML to Example 17 written
in this form is shown in Example 18.
RDF/XML allows an rdf:parseType="Collection"
attribute on a property element to let it contain multiple node
elements. These contained node elements give the set of subject
nodes of the collection. This syntax form corresponds to a set of
triples connecting the collection of subject nodes, the exact triples
generated are described in detail in
6.2.19 Production parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt.
The collection construction is always done in the order that the node
elements appear in the XML document. Whether the order of the
collection of nodes is significant is an application issue and not
defined here.
Example 19 shows a collection of three
nodes elements at the end of the ex:hasFruit
property element using this form.
The rdf:ID
attribute can be used on a property
element to reify the triple that it generates (See
6.3 Reification Rules for the
full details).
The identifier for the triple should be constructed as a
made from the relative IRI
concatenated with the rdf:ID
value, resolved against the in-scope base URI. So for example if
, that would be equivalent to the IRI
formed from relative IRI #triple
against the base URI.
Each (rdf:ID
attribute value, base URI)
pair has to be unique in an RDF/XML document,
see constraint-id.
Example 20 shows a rdf:ID
being used to reify a triple made from the ex:prop
property element giving the reified triple the
IRI http://example.org/triples/#triple1
As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.
The key words MAY, MUST, REQUIRED, SHOULD, and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
All use of string without further qualification refers to a Unicode [UNICODE] character string; a sequence of characters represented by a code point in Unicode.
The Internet Media Type (formerly known as MIME Type) for RDF/XML is
— [RFC3870].
It is recommended that RDF/XML files have the extension ".rdf" (all lowercase) on all platforms.
It is recommended that RDF/XML files stored on Macintosh HFS file
systems be given a file type of "rdf "
(all lowercase, with a space character as the fourth letter).
The application/rdf+xml
media type has been registered at IANA as [RFC3870].
This section is non-normative.
This section is non-normative.
See the Security Considerations Section of [RFC3870].
The RDF namespace IRI (or namespace name) is
and is typically used in XML with the prefix rdf
although other prefix strings may be used.
The RDF Vocabulary
is identified by this namespace name and consists of the following names only:
RDF Description ID about parseType resource li nodeID datatype
Seq Bag Alt Statement Property XMLLiteral List
subject predicate object type value first rest _
where n is a decimal integer greater than zero with no leading zeros.
Any other names are not defined and SHOULD generate a warning when encountered, but should otherwise behave normally.
Within RDF/XML documents it is not permitted to use XML namespaces whose namespace name is the ·RDF namespace IRI· concatenated with additional characters.
Throughout this document the terminology rdf:
will be used to indicate name is from the RDF vocabulary
and it has a IRI of the concatenation of the
·RDF namespace IRI· and name.
For example, rdf:type
has the IRI
The RDF Concepts document [RDF12-CONCEPTS] defines the three types of RDF data that can act as node and/or predicate:
IRIs can act as node (both subject and object) and as predicate.
IRIs can be either:
attribute values.Within RDF/XML, XML QNames are transformed into
by appending the XML local name to the namespace name (IRI).
For example, if the XML namespace prefix foo
namespace name (IRI)
then the QName
would correspond to the IRI
. Note that this
restricts which
IRIs can be made and the same IRI can be given in multiple ways.
The rdf:ID
are transformed into
by appending the attribute value to the result of appending
"#" to the in-scope base URI which is defined in
4.3 Resolving IRIs
Literals can only act as object nodes.
Literals always have a datatype. Language-tagged strings get
the datatype rdf:langString
. When there is no
language tag or datatype specified the literal is assumed to have the datatype
Blank nodes can act as subject node and as object node.
Blank nodes have distinct identity in the RDF graph.
When the graph is written in a syntax such as RDF/XML, these
blank nodes may need graph-local identifiers and a syntax
in order to preserve this distinction. These local identifiers are called
blank node identifiers
and are used in RDF/XML as values of the rdf:nodeID
with the syntax given in Production nodeIdAttr.
Blank node identifiers in RDF/XML are scoped to the XML Information Set
document information item.
If no blank node identifier is given explicitly as an
attribute value then one will need to be
generated (using generated-blank-node-id,
see 5.3.3 Grammar Action Notation).
Such generated blank node
identifiers must not clash with any blank node identifiers derived
from rdf:nodeID
attribute values. This can be
implemented by any method that preserves the distinct identity of all
the blank nodes in the graph, that is, the same blank node identifier
is not given for different blank nodes. One possible method would be
to add a constant prefix to all the rdf:nodeID
values and ensure no generated blank node identifiers ever used that
prefix. Another would be to map all rdf:nodeID
values to new generated blank node identifiers and perform that mapping
on all such values in the RDF/XML document.
RDF/XML supports
which defines a
accessor for each ·root event· and
·element event·.
Relative IRIs are resolved into
according to the algorithm specified in [XMLBASE] (and RFC 2396).
These specifications do not specify an algorithm for resolving a
fragment identifier alone, such as #foo
, or the empty
string ""
into an
IRI. In RDF/XML, a fragment identifier
is transformed into an IRI
by appending the fragment identifier to the in-scope base URI. The
empty string is transformed
into an IRI by substituting the in-scope base URI.
indicated by:
test001.rdf and
test004.rdf and
test008.rdf and
An empty same document reference "" resolves against the URI part of the base URI; any fragment part is ignored. See Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) [RFC3986].
Test: Indicated by test013.rdf and test013.nt
Implementation Note (Informative): When using a hierarchical base URI that has no path component (/), it must be added before using as a base URI for resolving.
Test: Indicated by test011.rdf and test011.nt
Each application of production idAttr matches an attribute. The pair formed by the ·string-value· accessor of the matched attribute and the ·base-uri· accessor of the matched attribute is unique within a single RDF/XML document.
The syntax of the names must match the rdf-id production.
Test: Indicated by test014.rdf and test014.nt
This document specifies the syntax of RDF/XML as a grammar on an alphabet of symbols. The symbols are called events in the style of the XPATH Information Set Mapping. A sequence of events is normally derived from an XML document, in which case they are in document order as defined below in 5.2 Information Set Mapping. The sequence these events form are intended to be similar to the sequence of events produced by the [SAX] XML API from the same XML document. Sequences of events may be checked against the grammar to determine whether they are or are not syntactically well-formed RDF/XML.
The grammar productions may include actions which fire when the production is recognized. Taken together these actions define a transformation from any syntactically well-formed RDF/XML sequence of events into an RDF graph represented in the N-Triples [RDF12-N-TRIPLES] language.
The model given here illustrates one way to create a representation of an RDF Graph from an RDF/XML document. It does not mandate any implementation method — any other method that results in a representation of the same RDF Graph may be used.
In particular:
The syntax does not support non-well-formed XML documents, nor documents that otherwise do not have an XML Information Set; for example, that do not conform to Namespaces in XML [XML-NAMES].
The Infoset requires support for XML Base [XMLBASE]. RDF/XML uses the information item property [base URI], discussed in 4.3 Resolving IRIs
This specification requires an XML Information Set [XML-INFOSET] which supports at least the following information items and properties for RDF/XML:
There is no mapping of the following items to data model events:
Other information items and properties have no mapping to syntax data model events.
Element information items with reserved XML Names
(See Name in Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition))
are not mapped to data model element events.
These are all those with property [prefix] beginning with xml
(case independent comparison) and all those with [prefix] property
having no value and which have [local name] beginning with
(case independent comparison).
All information items contained inside XML elements matching the parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt production form XML literals and do not follow this mapping. See parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt for further information.
This section is intended to satisfy the requirements for Conformance in the [XML-INFOSET] specification. It specifies the information items and properties that are needed to implement this specification.
There are nine types of event defined in the following subsections. Most events are constructed from an Infoset information item (except for IRI, blank node, plain literal and typed literal). The effect of an event constructor is to create a new event with a unique identity, distinct from all other events. Events have accessor operations on them and most have the string-value accessor that may be a static value or computed.
Constructed from a document information item and takes the following accessors and values.
Constructed from an element information item and takes the following accessors and values:
Made from the value of element information item property [attributes] which is a set of attribute information items.
If this set contains an attribute information item
([namespace name] property with the value
"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" and
[local name] property value "lang")
it is removed from the set of attribute information items and the
accessor is set to the [normalized-value] property of the
attribute information item.
All remaining reserved XML Names
(see Name in Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition))
are now removed from the set.
These are, all attribute information items in the set with property [prefix]
beginning with xml
(case independent comparison) and all attribute information items with [prefix]
property having no value and which have [local name] beginning with
(case independent comparison) are removed.
Note that the [base URI] accessor is computed by XML Base before any
attribute information item is deleted.
The remaining set of attribute information items are then used to construct a new set of Attribute Events which is assigned as the value of this accessor.
The value is the concatenation of the following in this order "<", the escaped value of the ·URI· accessor and ">".
The escaping of the ·URI· accessor uses the N-Triples escapes for IRIs [RDF12-N-TRIPLES].
Has no accessors. Marks the end of the containing element in the sequence.
Constructed from an attribute information item and takes the following accessors and values:
If ·namespace-name· is present,
set to a string value of the concatenation of the value of the
·namespace-name· accessor
and the value of the
·local-name· accessor.
Otherwise if ·local-name· is
, about
, resource
or type
, set to a string
value of the concatenation of the
·RDF namespace IRI·
and the value of the ·local-name· accessor. Other non-namespaced
·local-name· accessor values are
The support for a limited set of non-namespaced names is REQUIRED and intended to allow RDF/XML documents specified in [RDF-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR-19990222] to remain valid; new documents SHOULD NOT use these unqualified attributes and applications MAY choose to warn when the unqualified form is seen in a document.
The construction of IRIs from XML attributes can generate the same
IRIs from different XML attributes. This can cause ambiguity in the
grammar when matching attribute events (such as when
and about
XML attributes are
both present). Documents that have this are illegal.
The value is the concatenation of the following in this order "<", the escaped value of the ·URI· accessor and ">".
The escaping of the ·URI· accessor uses the N-Triples escapes for IRIs [RDF12-N-TRIPLES].
Constructed from a sequence of one or more consecutive character information items. Has the single accessor:
An event for a IRIs which has the following accessors:
The value is the concatenation of "<", the escaped value of the ·identifier· accessor and ">"
The escaping of the ·identifier· accessor value uses the N-Triples escapes for IRIs [RDF12-N-TRIPLES].
These events are constructed by giving a value for the ·identifier· accessor.
For further information on identifiers in the RDF graph, see 4.2 Identifiers.
An event for a blank node identifier which has the following accessors:
These events are constructed by giving a value for the ·identifier· accessor.
For further information on identifiers in the RDF graph, see 4.2 Identifiers.
RDF/XML plain literals are in RDF 1.2 treated as
syntactic sugar for a literal with datatype
(in case no language tag is present)
or as a literal with datatype rdf:langString
case a language tag is present). The mapping to N-Triples as
defined in this subsection is not affected by this change.
An event for a plain literal which can have the following accessors:
The value is calculated from the other accessors as follows.
If ·literal-language· is the empty string then the value is the concatenation of """ (1 double quote), the escaped value of the ·literal-value· accessor and """ (1 double quote).
Otherwise the value is the concatenation of """ (1 double quote), the escaped value of the ·literal-value· accessor ""@" (1 double quote and a '@'), and the value of the ·literal-language· accessor.
The escaping of the ·literal-value· accessor value uses the N-Triples escapes for strings as described in [RDF12-N-TRIPLES] for escaping certain characters such as ".
These events are constructed by giving values for the ·literal-value· and ·literal-language· accessors.
Interoperability Note (Informative): Literals beginning with a Unicode combining character are allowed however they may cause interoperability problems. See [CHARMOD] for further information.
An event for a typed literal which can have the following accessors:
The value is the concatenation of the following in this order """ (1 double quote), the escaped value of the ·literal-value· accessor, """ (1 double quote), "^^<", the escaped value of the ·literal-datatype· accessor and ">".
The escaping of the ·literal-value· accessor value uses the N-Triples escapes for strings [RDF12-N-TRIPLES] for escaping certain characters such as ". The escaping of the ·literal-datatype· accessor value must use the N-Triples escapes for IRI [RDF12-N-TRIPLES].
These events are constructed by giving values for the ·literal-value· and ·literal-datatype· accessors.
Interoperability Note (Informative): Literals beginning with a Unicode combining character are allowed however they may cause interoperability problems. See [CHARMOD] for further information.
Implementation Note (Informative): In XML Schema (part 1) [XMLSCHEMA-1], white space normalization occurs during validation according to the value of the whiteSpace facet. The syntax mapping used in this document occurs after this, so the whiteSpace facet formally has no further effect.
To transform the Infoset into the sequence of events in document order, each information item is transformed as described above to generate a tree of events with accessors and values. Each element event is then replaced as described below to turn the tree of events into a sequence in document order.
The following notation is used to describe matching the sequence of data model events as given in 5. Syntax Data Model and the actions to perform for the matches. The RDF/XML grammar is defined in terms of mapping from these matched data model events to triples, using notation of the form:
number event-type event-content
where the event-content is an expression matching event-types (as defined in 5.1 Events), using notation given in the following sections. The number is used for reference purposes. The grammar action may include generating new triples to the graph, written in N-Triples [RDF12-N-TRIPLES] format.
The following sections describe the general notation used and that for event matching and actions.
Notation | Meaning |
event.accessor | The value of an event accessor. |
rdf: X |
A URI as defined in 4.1 The RDF Namespace and Vocabulary. |
"ABC" | A string of characters A, B, C in order. |
Notation | Meaning |
A == B | Event accessor A matches expression B. |
A != B | A is not equal to B. |
A | B | ... | The A, B, ... terms are alternatives. |
A - B | The terms in A excluding all the terms in B. |
anyURI. | Any URI. |
anyString. | Any string. |
list(item1, item2, ...); list() | An ordered list of events. An empty list. |
set(item1, item2, ...); set() | An unordered set of events. An empty set. |
* | Zero or more of preceding term. |
? | Zero or one of preceding term. |
+ | One or more of preceding term. |
root(acc1 == value1, acc2 == value2, ...) |
Match a Root Event with accessors. |
start-element(acc1 == value1, acc2 == value2, ...) children end-element() |
Match a sequence of Element Event with accessors, a possibly empty list of events as element content and an End Element Event. |
attribute(acc1 == value1, acc2 == value2, ...) |
Match an Attribute Event with accessors. |
text() | Match a Text Event. |
Notation | Meaning |
A := B | Assigns A the value B. |
concat(A, B, ..) | A string created by concatenating the terms in order. |
resolve(e, s) | A string created by interpreting string s as a relative IRI to the ·base-uri· accessor of e as defined in 4.3 Resolving IRIs. The resulting string represents an IRI. |
generated-blank-node-id() | A string value for a new distinct generated blank node identifier as defined in 4.2 Identifiers. |
event.accessor := value | Sets an event accessor to the given value. |
uri(identifier := value) | Create a new URI Reference Event. |
bnodeid(identifier := value) | Create a new Blank Node Identifier Event. See also section 4.2 Identifiers. |
literal(literal-value := string, literal-language := language, ...) |
Create a new Plain Literal Event. |
typed-literal(literal-value := string, ...) | Create a new Typed Literal Event. |
If the RDF/XML is a standalone XML document
(identified by presentation as an
RDF media type object,
or by some other means) then the grammar may start with
production doc or
production nodeElement.
If the content is known to be RDF/XML by context, such as when RDF/XML is embedded inside other XML content, then the grammar can either start at Element Event RDF (only when an element is legal at that point in the XML) or at production nodeElementList (only when element content is legal, since this is a list of elements). For such embedded RDF/XML, the ·base-uri· value on the outermost element must be initialized from the containing XML since no Root Event will be available. Note that if such embedding occurs, the grammar may be entered several times but no state is expected to be preserved.
| rdf:ID
| rdf:about
| rdf:parseType
| rdf:resource
| rdf:nodeID
| rdf:datatype
A subset of the syntax terms from the RDF vocabulary in 4.1 The RDF Namespace and Vocabulary which are used in RDF/XML.
coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:Description
| rdf:li
All the syntax terms from the RDF vocabulary in 4.1 The RDF Namespace and Vocabulary which are used in RDF/XML.
| rdf:aboutEachPrefix
| rdf:bagID
These are the names from the RDF vocabulary that have been withdrawn from the language. See the resolutions of Issue rdfms-aboutEach-on-object, Issue rdfms-abouteachprefix and Last Call Issue timbl-01 for further information.
Error Test: Indicated by error001.rdf and error002.rdf
anyURI - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:li
| oldTerms )
The IRIs that are allowed on node elements.
anyURI - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:Description
| oldTerms )
The URIs that are allowed on property elements.
anyURI - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:Description
| rdf:li
| oldTerms )
The IRIs that are allowed on property attributes.
root(document-element == RDF,
children == list(RDF))
start-element(URI == rdf:RDF
attributes == set())
ws* (nodeElement ws* )*
start-element(URI == nodeElementURIs
attributes == set((idAttr | nodeIdAttr | aboutAttr )?, propertyAttr*))
For node element e, the processing of some of the attributes has to be done before other work such as dealing with children events or other attributes. These can be processed in any order:
, then
e.subject := uri(identifier := resolve(e, concat("#", a.string-value))).rdf:nodeID
, then
e.subject := bnodeid(identifier:=a.string-value).rdf:about
e.subject := uri(identifier := resolve(e, a.string-value)).If e.subject is empty, then e.subject := bnodeid(identifier := generated-blank-node-id()).
The following can then be performed in any order:
then the following statement is added to the graph:
e.subject.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> e.URI-string-value .
u:=uri(identifier:=resolve(e, a.string-value))
and the following triple is added to the graph:
e.subject.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> u.string-value .
the Unicode string
SHOULD be in Normal Form C [NFC],
o := literal(literal-value := a.string-value, literal-language := e.language)
and the following statement is added to the graph:
A text event matching white space defined by [XML10] definition White Space Rule [3] S in section Common Syntactic Constructs
ws* (propertyElt ws* ) *
If element e has
e.URI =
then apply the list expansion rules on element e.parent in
6.4 List Expansion Rules
to give a new URI u and
e.URI := u.
The action of this production must be done before the actions of any sub-matches (resourcePropertyElt ... emptyPropertyElt). Alternatively the result must be equivalent to as if it this action was performed first, such as performing as the first action of all of the sub-matches.
start-element(URI == propertyElementURIs ),
attributes == set(idAttr?))
ws* nodeElement ws*
For element e, and the single contained nodeElement n, first n must be processed using production nodeElement. Then the following statement is added to the graph:
e.parent.subject.string-value e.URI-string-value n.subject.string-value .
If the rdf:ID
attribute a is given, the above
statement is reified with
i := uri(identifier := resolve(e, concat("#", a.string-value)))
using the reification rules in
6.3 Reification Rules
and e.subject := i
start-element(URI == propertyElementURIs ),
attributes == set(idAttr?, datatypeAttr?))
Note that the empty literal case is defined in production emptyPropertyElt.
For element e, and the text event t.
The Unicode string t.string-value SHOULD be
in Normal Form C [NFC].
If the rdf:datatype
attribute d is given
then o := typed-literal(literal-value := t.string-value, literal-datatype := d.string-value)
o := literal(literal-value := t.string-value, literal-language := e.language)
and the following statement is added to the graph:
e.parent.subject.string-value e.URI-string-value o.string-value .
If the rdf:ID
attribute a is given, the above
statement is reified with
i := uri(identifier := resolve(e, concat("#", a.string-value)))
using the reification rules in
6.3 Reification Rules
and e.subject := i.
This section is non-normative.
start-element(URI == propertyElementURIs ),
attributes == set(idAttr?, parseLiteral))
For element e and the literal l
that is the rdf:parseType="Literal"
l is not transformed by the syntax data model mapping into events
(as noted in section 5. Syntax Data Model)
but remains an XML Infoset of XML Information items.
l is transformed into the lexical form of an XML literal in the RDF graph x (a Unicode string) by the following algorithm. This does not mandate any implementation method — any other method that gives the same result may be used.
Then o := typed-literal(literal-value := x, literal-datatype := http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#XMLLiteral
and the following statement is added to the graph:
e.parent.subject.string-value e.URI-string-value o.string-value .
Test: Empty literal case indicated by test009.rdf and test009.nt
If the rdf:ID
attribute a is given, the above
statement is reified with
i := uri(identifier := resolve(e, concat("#", a.string-value)))
using the reification rules in
6.3 Reification Rules
and e.subject := i.
start-element(URI == propertyElementURIs ),
attributes == set(idAttr?, parseResource))
For element e with possibly empty element content c.
n := bnodeid(identifier := generated-blank-node-id()).
Add the following statement to the graph:
e.parent.subject.string-value e.URI-string-value n.string-value .
Test: Indicated by test004.rdf and test004.nt
If the rdf:ID
attribute a is given, the
statement above is reified with
i := uri(identifier := resolve(e, concat("#", a.string-value)))
using the reification rules in
6.3 Reification Rules
and e.subject := i.
If the element content c is not empty, then use event n to create a new sequence of events as follows:
start-element(URI := rdf:Description
subject := n,
attributes := set())
Then process the resulting sequence using production nodeElement.
start-element(URI == propertyElementURIs ),
attributes == set(idAttr?, parseCollection))
For element event e with possibly empty nodeElementList l. Set s:=list().
For each element event f in l, n := bnodeid(identifier := generated-blank-node-id()) and append n to s to give a sequence of events.
If s is not empty, n is the first event identifier in s and the following statement is added to the graph:
e.parent.subject.string-value e.URI-string-value n.string-value .
otherwise the following statement is added to the graph:
e.parent.subject.string-value e.URI-string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil> .
If the rdf:ID
attribute a is given,
either of the the above statements is reified with
i := uri(identifier := resolve(e, concat("#", a.string-value)))
using the reification rules in
6.3 Reification Rules.
If s is empty, no further work is performed.
For each event n in s and the corresponding element event f in l, the following statement is added to the graph:
n.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#first> f.string-value .
For each consecutive and overlapping pair of events (n, o) in s, the following statement is added to the graph:
n.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#rest> o.string-value .
If s is not empty, n is the last event identifier in s, the following statement is added to the graph:
n.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#rest> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil> .
start-element(URI == propertyElementURIs ),
attributes == set(idAttr?, parseOther))
All rdf:parseType
attribute values other than the strings
"Resource", "Literal" or "Collection" are treated as if the value was
"Literal". This production matches and acts as if production
was matched.
No extra triples are generated for other rdf:parseType
start-element(URI == propertyElementURIs ),
attributes == set(idAttr?, ( resourceAttr | nodeIdAttr | datatypeAttr )?, propertyAttr*))
If there are no attributes or only the
optional rdf:ID
attribute i
then o := literal(literal-value:="", literal-language := e.language)
and the following statement is added to the graph:
e.parent.subject.string-value e.URI-string-value o.string-value .
and then if i is given, the above statement is reified with uri(identifier := resolve(e, concat("#", i.string-value))) using the reification rules in 6.3 Reification Rules.
Test: Indicated by test002.rdf and test002.nt
Test: Indicated by test005.rdf and test005.nt
attribute i is present, then
r := uri(identifier := resolve(e, i.string-value))
attribute i is present, then
r := bnodeid(identifier := i.string-value)
The following are done in any order:
For all propertyAttr attributes a (in any order)
If a.URI == rdf:type
then u:=uri(identifier:=resolve(e, a.string-value))
and the following triple is added to the graph:
r.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> u.string-value .
Otherwise Unicode string a.string-value SHOULD be in Normal Form C [NFC], o := literal(literal-value := a.string-value, literal-language := e.language) and the following statement is added to the graph:
r.string-value a.URI-string-value o.string-value .
Test: Indicated by test013.rdf and test013.nt
Test: Indicated by test014.rdf and test014.nt
Add the following statement to the graph:
e.parent.subject.string-value e.URI-string-value r.string-value .
and then if rdf:ID
attribute i is given, the above statement is
reified with
uri(identifier := resolve(e, concat("#", i.string-value)))
using the reification rules in
6.3 Reification Rules.
attribute(URI == rdf:ID
string-value == rdf-id)
Constraint:: constraint-id
applies to the values of rdf:ID
attribute(URI == rdf:nodeID
string-value == rdf-id)
attribute(URI == rdf:about
string-value == URI-reference)
attribute(URI == propertyAttributeURIs,
string-value == anyString)
attribute(URI == rdf:resource
string-value == URI-reference)
attribute(URI == rdf:datatype
string-value == URI-reference)
attribute(URI == rdf:parseType
string-value == "Literal")
attribute(URI == rdf:parseType
string-value == "Resource")
attribute(URI == rdf:parseType
string-value == "Collection")
attribute(URI == rdf:parseType
string-value == anyString - ("Resource" | "Literal" | "Collection") )
Any XML element content that is allowed according to XML definition Content of Elements Rule [43] content. in section 3.1 Start-Tags, End-Tags, and Empty-Element Tags
The string-value for the resulting event is discussed in 6.2.17 Production parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt.
An attribute ·string-value· matching any legal [XML-NAMES] token NCName
For the given IRI event r and the statement with terms s, p and o corresponding to the N-Triples:
s p o .
add the following statements to the graph:
r.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#subject> s .
r.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#predicate> p .
r.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#object> o .
r.string-value <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Statement> .
For the given element e, create a new IRI u := concat("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_", e.li-counter), increment the e.li-counter property by 1 and return u.
There are some RDF Graphs as defined in [RDF12-CONCEPTS]that cannot be serialized in RDF/XML. These are those that:
datatypeImplementation Note (Informative): When an RDF graph is serialized to RDF/XML and has an XML Schema Datatype (XSD), it SHOULD be written in a form that does not require whitespace processing. XSD support is NOT required by RDF or RDF/XML so this is optional.
This section is non-normative.
There is a standardized approach for associating RDF compatible metadata with SVG — the metadata element which was explicitly designed for this purpose as defined in Section 21 Metadata of the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification [SVG10] and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition) [SVG11].
This document contains two example graphs in SVG with such embedded RDF/XML inside the metadata element: figure 1 and figure 2.
This section is non-normative.
This section is non-normative.
This document is a product of extended deliberations by the RDF Core working group, whose members have included: Art Barstow (W3C) Dave Beckett (ILRT), Dan Brickley (W3C/ILRT), Dan Connolly (W3C), Jeremy Carroll (Hewlett Packard), Ron Daniel (Interwoven Inc), Bill dehOra (InterX), Jos De Roo (AGFA), Jan Grant (ILRT), Graham Klyne (Clearswift and Nine by Nine), Frank Manola (MITRE Corporation), Brian McBride (Hewlett Packard), Eric Miller (W3C), Stephen Petschulat (IBM), Patrick Stickler (Nokia), Aaron Swartz (HWG), Mike Dean (BBN Technologies / Verizon), R. V. Guha (Alpiri Inc), Pat Hayes (IHMC), Sergey Melnik (Stanford University), Martyn Horner (Profium Ltd).
This specification also draws upon an earlier RDF Model and Syntax document edited by Ora Lassilla and Ralph Swick, and RDF Schema edited by Dan Brickley and R. V. Guha. RDF and RDF Schema Working group members who contributed to this earlier work are: Nick Arnett (Verity), Tim Berners-Lee (W3C), Tim Bray (Textuality), Dan Brickley (ILRT / University of Bristol), Walter Chang (Adobe), Sailesh Chutani (Oracle), Dan Connolly (W3C), Ron Daniel (DATAFUSION), Charles Frankston (Microsoft), Patrick Gannon (CommerceNet), RV Guha (Epinions, previously of Netscape Communications), Tom Hill (Apple Computer), Arthur van Hoff (Marimba), Renato Iannella (DSTC), Sandeep Jain (Oracle), Kevin Jones, (InterMind), Emiko Kezuka (Digital Vision Laboratories), Joe Lapp (webMethods Inc.), Ora Lassila (Nokia Research Center), Andrew Layman (Microsoft), Ralph LeVan (OCLC), John McCarthy (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Chris McConnell (Microsoft), Murray Maloney (Grif), Michael Mealling (Network Solutions), Norbert Mikula (DataChannel), Eric Miller (OCLC), Jim Miller (W3C, emeritus), Frank Olken (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Jean Paoli (Microsoft), Sri Raghavan (Digital/Compaq), Lisa Rein (webMethods Inc.), Paul Resnick (University of Michigan), Bill Roberts (KnowledgeCite), Tsuyoshi Sakata (Digital Vision Laboratories), Bob Schloss (IBM), Leon Shklar (Pencom Web Works), David Singer (IBM), Wei (William) Song (SISU), Neel Sundaresan (IBM), Ralph Swick (W3C), Naohiko Uramoto (IBM), Charles Wicksteed (Reuters Ltd.), Misha Wolf (Reuters Ltd.), Lauren Wood (SoftQuad).
This section is non-normative.
Gavin Carothers provided the RDF 1.1 update for the Production parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt. Ivan Herman provided valuable comments and reworked Figs 1 and 2.
This specification is a product of extended deliberations by the members of the RDFcore Working Group and the RDF and RDF Schema Working Group.
The following people provided valuable contributions to the document:
This section is non-normative.
In addition to the editors, the following people have contributed to this specification: Pierre-Antoine Champin
Members of the RDF-star Working Group Group included Adrian Gschwend, Andy Seaborne, Antoine Zimmermann, Dan Brickley, David Chaves-Fraga, Dominik Tomaszuk, Dörthe Arndt, Enrico Franconi, Fabien Gandon, Gregg Kellogg, Gregory Williams, Jesse Wright, Julián Arenas-Guerrero, Olaf Hartig, Ora Lassila, Pasquale Lisena, Peter Patel-Schneider, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Raphaël Troncy, Ruben Taelman, Rémi Ceres, Sarven Capadisli, Souripriya Das, Ted Thibodeau, and Timothée Haudebourg.
Recognize members of the Task Force? Not an easy to find list of contributors.
This section is non-normative.
This section is non-normative.
This appendix contains XML schemas for validating RDF/XML forms. These are example schemas for information only and are not part of this specification.
This section is non-normative.
This is an example schema in RELAX NG Compact (for ease of reading) for RDF/XML. Applications can also use the RELAX NG XML version. These formats are described in RELAX NG [RELAXNG] and RELAX NG Compact [RELAXNG-COMPACT].
The RNGC schema has been updated to attempt to match the grammar but this has not been checked or used to validate RDF/XML.
# RELAX NG Compact Schema for RDF/XML Syntax
# This schema is for information only and NON-NORMATIVE
# It is based on one originally written by James Clark in
# https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2001JulSep/0248.html
# and updated with later changes.
namespace local = ""
namespace rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
datatypes xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"
start = doc
# I cannot seem to do this in RNGC so they are expanded in-line
# coreSyntaxTerms = rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType | rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype
# syntaxTerms = coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:Description | rdf:li
# oldTerms = rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID
# nodeElementURIs = * - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:li | oldTerms )
# propertyElementURIs = * - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:Description | oldTerms )
# propertyAttributeURIs = * - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:Description | rdf:li | oldTerms )
# Also needed to allow rdf:li on all property element productions
# since we can't capture the rdf:li rewriting to rdf_<n> in relaxng
# Need to add these explicitly
xmllang = attribute xml:lang { text }
xmlbase = attribute xml:base { text }
# and to forbid every other xml:* attribute, element
doc =
RDF | nodeElement
element rdf:RDF {
xmllang?, xmlbase?, nodeElementList
nodeElementList =
# Should be something like:
# ws* , ( nodeElement , ws* )*
# but RELAXNG does this by default, ignoring whitespace separating tags.
nodeElement =
element * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype | rdf:li |
rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID ) {
(idAttr | nodeIdAttr | aboutAttr )?, xmllang?, xmlbase?, propertyAttr*, propertyEltList
# It is not possible to say "and not things
# beginning with _ in the rdf: namespace" in RELAX NG.
ws =
" "
# Not used in this RELAX NG schema; but should be any legal XML
# whitespace defined by https://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#NT-S
propertyEltList =
# Should be something like:
# ws* , ( propertyElt , ws* )*
# but RELAXNG does this by default, ignoring whitespace separating tags.
propertyElt =
resourcePropertyElt |
literalPropertyElt |
parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt |
parseTypeResourcePropertyElt |
parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt |
parseTypeOtherPropertyElt |
resourcePropertyElt =
element * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype |
rdf:Description | rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID |
xml:* ) {
idAttr?, xmllang?, xmlbase?, nodeElement
literalPropertyElt =
element * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype |
rdf:Description | rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID |
xml:* ) {
idAttr? , datatypeAttr?, xmllang?, xmlbase?, text
parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt =
element * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype |
rdf:Description | rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID |
xml:* ) {
idAttr?, parseLiteral, xmllang?, xmlbase?, literal
parseTypeResourcePropertyElt =
element * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype |
rdf:Description | rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID |
xml:* ) {
idAttr?, parseResource, xmllang?, xmlbase?, propertyEltList
parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt =
element * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype |
rdf:Description | rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID |
xml:* ) {
idAttr?, xmllang?, xmlbase?, parseCollection, nodeElementList
parseTypeOtherPropertyElt =
element * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype |
rdf:Description | rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID |
xml:* ) {
idAttr?, xmllang?, xmlbase?, parseOther, any
emptyPropertyElt =
element * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype |
rdf:Description | rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID |
xml:* ) {
idAttr?, (resourceAttr | nodeIdAttr | datatypeAttr )?, xmllang?, xmlbase?, propertyAttr*
idAttr =
attribute rdf:ID {
nodeIdAttr =
attribute rdf:nodeID {
aboutAttr =
attribute rdf:about {
propertyAttr =
attribute * - ( local:* | rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType |
rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype | rdf:li |
rdf:Description | rdf:aboutEach |
rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID |
xml:* ) {
resourceAttr =
attribute rdf:resource {
datatypeAttr =
attribute rdf:datatype {
parseLiteral =
attribute rdf:parseType {
parseResource =
attribute rdf:parseType {
parseCollection =
attribute rdf:parseType {
parseOther =
attribute rdf:parseType {
URI-reference =
literal =
IDsymbol =
any =
mixed { element * { attribute * { text }*, any }* }
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