Recently returned from a 3-day trip on the Horizon out of San Diego. We had two great days at San Clemente Island, and spent the last day outside San Diego, with two dives on the Yukon, a former Canadian Destroyer sunk as an artificial reef and dive site. Unfortunately, it went down early and landed on It’s side; It’s now known as “Milt’s Tilt”. Enjoy the photos.
I’ve just release version 0.1.0 of the RDF::Microdata gem (rubygems, github) for the RDF.rb suite. This version contains only a reader (parser). Writing is not supported at this point.
With the release of RDF::Turtle, starting with version 0.3.5, RDF::N3 no longer asserts that it is a reader for Turtle. This includes MIME Types text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle. Or the .ttl extension or :ttl or :turtle formats. Of course, N3 remains reasonably compatible with Turtle, but the recent RDF 1.1 Working Group publication of the Turtle Specification has caused some divergence.